How long can a person live with fasting?

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Every day, our body receives energy from the food we eat. If we fasting for a long time, there will be no energy entering the body, which may affect the digestive system. In the beginning, when there is a lack of energy from nutrients, the body will replace it by using energy from other parts instead. Normally, our body uses glucose as a burner, giving our body energy, muscles moving, the brain thinking, the heart pumping, etc.

Start within the first 3-4 hours of fasting: The body will draw energy from the last meal eaten to use first. After that, if this energy runs out, it will draw energy from glycogen instead. This stage is still comfortable.

Fasting for 24 hours (1 day): The body will start to feel a little hungry and tired. The stomach will start to make noises that it needs food. The sodium level in the blood will rise. The blood pressure will increase slightly. When the glycogen in the blood runs out, สมัคร ufabet, the next thing the body will draw energy from is glucose or the smallest sugar in the body. It will mainly draw glucose to use with the brain first because it is the most important part.

Fast for 48 hours (2 days): The eyes will start to feel tired and weak. There may be additional symptoms such as headaches and feeling weak. The body will seriously dig up stored fat. Normally, the fat reserves of an average person can be burned for energy for at least another 60-80 hours. Those who weigh a lot or have a lot of stored fat will be able to live longer.

Fasting for 72 hours (3 days): Feeling light and empty, and may feel dizzy when standing up quickly because our blood sugar drops sharply, including using fat and muscle for energy instead.

Fasting for 90 hours: This is where things start to get a little worrying because normally. We eat carbohydrates from various foods. But when we lack carbohydrates from our diet, our body reacts with the protein. And fat in our blood vessels, causing the blood in our body to gradually deteriorate little by little. As for survival, we can still use the fat layer as usual.

Fasting for 168 hours (1 week): The critical point is around 7-10 days. The body that was once active or energetic will start to lose its strength and be unable to move anywhere. Internal organs, liver and kidneys, will start to break down piece by piece because of blood poisoning. If the blood poisoning reaches 30% of the total blood in the body. It will be the most dangerous point because it will cause toxins to flow into the brain. This is truly a difficult time.

If a person lacks nutrients, they can live for about 6-8 weeks. However, we must distinguish between whether we lack nutrients and whether we lack water as well. Because when the body lacks water, it generally cannot survive for more than 1-2 weeks. Because if we lack water continuously, we will not be able to urinate, waste products in the body will accumulate more. Which may cause kidney failure, low blood pressure, or even shock and death.